Ron_Adam wrote:
In looking at ways to reduce the size of exe's created with py2exe,
I've noticed that it will include a whole library or module even if I
only need one function or value from it.

What I would like to do is to import individual functions and then
export 'write' them to a common resource file and import that with
just the resources I need in them.

You've been thinking again, Ron ...

Has anyone tried this?

I'd be surprised if they had (see below).

I'm considering using pickle to do it, but was wondering if this is
even a viable idea?

What would you pickle and what not? The reason that a function is stored in a module is often because the module contains other supporting code that it needs. Generally the elements of a module should have a higher-than-random degree of interdependence.

Is it possible to pickle the name space after the imports and then
reload the name space in place of the imports later?

This would be quite a feat of introspection if you could do it.

Cheers, Ron

As another respondent suggested the savings of this technique would likely not be a reasonable return on the development and support effort.

Steve Holden        +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   
Python Web Programming


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