Hi all. I'm experimenting with making a UI for a little (well, not
quite) script that basically draws up a tech tree to some skills from
my favorite game. What I'm aiming for looks a little like this site
here:(apologies if I'm not supposed to direct link)

Anyway, I made a script which reads data from several files and saves
the data into an array of skill objects, here's what it looks like:

#define the class
class skill:
    def __init__(self, name, description, a1, a2, rank, prereq):
        self.name = name #string (example is "Anchoring")
        self.desc = description #string (example is "blah blah blah")
        self.a1 = a1   #string with attributes affecting the skill
(Example is "Int")
        self.a2 = a2   #string
        self.rank = rank   #how hard it is to train (example is "5")
(too lazy to convert to int
        self.prereq = prereq  #any prerequsites (an array of ["skill",

        #the trained level already
        self.skillowned = "0" #we change this later on when we access
another file :)

Finally, I set up a class which accepts a parent (normally root), and
the skill in question.
here it is:

class SkillInfo:
    def __init__(self, parent, skill):
        container = Frame(parent)

        #we make this the top frame for some reason
        labelcontainer = Frame(container, height=50, width=50)
        labelcontainer.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)

        desccont = Frame(container, height=50, width=50) #the
description content
        desccont.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=YES)

        #make a name label
        Label(labelcontainer, text=skill.name, wraplength=100).pack
(side=TOP, anchor=W)

        #print the level buttons
        for i in range(1, 6):
            button = Button(labelcontainer)
            button["text"] = "Level", i
            if int(skill.skillowned) >= i:
                button["background"] = "green"
                button["width"] = 10
                button["background"] = "red"
                button["width"] = 10

        Label(desccont, text=("\n"+skill.desc), wraplength=100).pack()

Now I know all I have to do is set the SkillInfos parent to a canvas,
but how would I arrange and draw the lines? Thanks all :)

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