
2009/2/9 todp...@hotmail.com <todp...@hotmail.com>:
> I'm trying to write a program that puts asterisks around the input text
> using while loop.
> I can do this without using while loop, but how can you do that using while
> loop?
> Example:
> Enter a string: Hello world
> **********
> *Hello world*
> **********

Since others have posted so helpful answer I'm just going to rant:

1) http://docs.python.org/ <- first part (make sure you read the docs
-- and tutorial -- for the python version you installed
2) After you know how to store user input in a variable think about
what other facts you know (by examining the content of the variable)
2) Think again hard what you need to output and which parts of the
output need to match the information you already have (by doing point

That shouldn't be too hard



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