En Mon, 09 Feb 2009 12:43:46 -0200, member Basu <b...@archlinux.us> escribió:

I'm currently working on a project that allows users to write their own
Python modules as simple extensions (basically output formatters). I would like to do a cross-platform release and so I'm using PyQt and will be trying to convert it to native builds using Py2app and Py2xe. I don't want users to
have to install Qt and PyQt to run it. But if I do that, will I still be
able to load Python modules dynamically as extensions ? (assuming that the
user machine has Python installed separately).

I don't know about py2app but if you use py2exe your users still can provide their own modules. And they don't have to install Python separately (asuming that your "private" one contains all the library modules they want to use)
I don't understand your concerns about installing Qt/PyQt.

Gabriel Genellina


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