Kanthi Kiran Narisetti schrieb:
Hi All,
Thank You for your suggestions....I request you all to eloborate the Uses(In Practical) for systems administrator.Some of my questions regarding the same follows.
1)Can i build web applications in Python ? If so how. I am planning to build a web application for intranet use which deals with workflow of Internal office communication.
Yes, you can. There are far too many options, to be listed here: Here are just 3 pointers: http://www.zope.org/ http://www.cherrypy.org/ http://www.webwareforpython.org/ http://skunkweb.sourceforge.net/
2)Which is best opensource database to be used with Python ?
It's hard to say. It depends on our taste and the type of your application. There is a python standard for a relation DB-API and there are som object relational adapters, like: http://python-dbo.sourceforge.net/ http://sqlobject.org/ http://skunkweb.sourceforge.net/PyDO/ http://dustman.net/andy/python/SQLDict
And, of course, there is ZODB the object oriented DB below Zope: http://www.zope.org/Products/ZODB3.3
3)When i write a remote execution script in python is it required that python should be installed in remote system.
No. Using xmlrpc the server and may be written in any programming language. xmlrpc is include din the standard libray. Other remote execution systems use CORBA or do things upon their own: http://pyro.sourceforge.net/
It is also possible to package python applications in an executable using: http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/py2exe/ http://starship.python.net/crew/atuining/cx_Freeze/ or the Freeze utility delivered with the python standard distribution.
4)I heard about Perl/CGI and that CGI application done by python too.....Is CGI still valid when PHP has taken over the WebApplication Development, Dominating.
No it's rather slow, but widley used. There is a mod_python for Apache which is used be some of the web application frameworks mentioned above.
Sorry if these questions are out of this group , but answers to these ? will help me a lot.
The are perfectly valid.
HTH, Gerald
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