On Feb 4, 8:06 pm, len <lsumn...@gmail.com> wrote: > How does one find the methods that are available in the classes.
heh. welcome to the wonderful world of wxpython :o( if you use eclipse to edit your code, then (providing the wind is in the right direction and the file you are editing doesn't have any syntax errors) pressing F3 when you are on a particular method will take you to the definition. or, at least, one of the definitions with that name. and if you want to see a list of available methods the simplest way is to use tab completion (or dir() in python itself). if you're not using eclipse (with pydev) check to see if the ide/ editor you are using has something similar. also, wxpython comes with some examples, all packaged in a demo program. that is your best source of documentation. go through all the examples in there and look at the code (the demo program will show you the code and even let you edit it and see the results of your changes). to be honest, wxpython is a bit of a nightmare (imho). but the results can be worth it. good luck, andrew -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list