En Tue, 03 Feb 2009 17:10:18 -0200, er <eroberer...@gmail.com> escribió:
It might be nice if Python could provide a global dictionary, perhaps
where you can throw things. This is actually the solution provided by
Lua scripting language. Thanks for the global_ module solution, I was
making sure that was the canonical way.
You *could* do that now, just inject a dictionary into the builtin module.
sitecustomize.py would be the place to do that (it's executed before the
main script).
import __builtin__
__builtin__.globalvars = {}
Then you can use globalvars[...] everywhere. But your code won't run in
other locations, nor can you distribute it, you'll have to repeat the same
steps when you upgrade your Python version, and people will wonder *where*
such variable name comes from...
Too much trouble, only to avoid typing a single line:
from config import globalvars
and it doesn't have any of the drawbacks listed above. I'd use import.
Gabriel Genellina