Hi, I am trying to get and then refresh a page in IE with a Python script. I just want to get a page, then refresh it every 5 minutes. Below is the code I am attempting. It is erroring out on the id=ie.Document.Script._oleobj_.GetIDsOfNames('window.location.reload()') #tried with and without parens - reload & reload() line. This is mostly a borrowed script I found. The script was trying to call a written function on the page. I just want to call the build in reload function to refresh the page.
Thanks for any help. Kevin import win32com.client, pythoncom from time import sleep ie=win32com.client.Dispatch('internetexplorer.application') ie.Visible=1 ie.Navigate('URL') sleep(5) id=ie.Document.Script._oleobj_.GetIDsOfNames('window.location.reload()') while True: res=ie.Document.Script._oleobj_.Invoke(id, 0, pythoncom.DISPATCH_METHOD, True) sleep(300)
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