Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
=?iso-8859-15?Q?Pierre-Fr=E9d=E9ric_Caillaud?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

Ideally, I would like an open source website + html design tool
implemented in Python

didn't you just say that ideally, you wanted a tool written in lisp or scheme?

I honestly got a little tired of the tone of the answers I was
getting from that crowd, about what an idiot I am. My query there is

You mean you are interested in a web application programming
framework in the spirit of Seaside, or in a HTML/CSS editor in the spirit of Dreamweaver ?

I believe Dreamweaver-esque. I see myself writing articles and eventually doing snazzy eye candy layouts. I do not see myself engaging in elaborate flow control or anything terribly programmatic. I want to concentrate on the content, not the mechanism.

I've stayed out of this one so far because of a natural disinclination to join religious discussions, but sine we are now talking good common sense I'd like to ask whether a *batch-oriented* system for folding database content into a static web site with common look-and-feel would be of interest.

Now PyCon is over I've been able to blog about the techniques used to generate the web site at, and most recently about using reStructured Text in the database to ease authorship problems for the less-taxing content. See

to determine whether the overall approach would work for you.

Steve Holden        +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC   
Python Web Programming


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