On 31 Gen, 12:46, andrew cooke <and...@acooke.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a new project, that I just released in beta 
> (http://www.acooke.org/lepl- a recursive decent parser with full
> backtracking).  At the moment I am using pypi and setuptools for
> distribution (it's a pure python package) and I am happy with hosting
> static web pages (the manual and api doc linked to above) on my own
> site (I did try the packages.python.org web pages, but it seemed
> pointless duplicating my own).
> However, i am thinking I could really do with:
> - a mailing list
> - simple bug tracking
> - subversion
> and am wondering which is the best (free) provider for these (the code
> is LGPL open source).  I'd prefer a mailing list to something like
> google groups (although I guess it may be possible to configure a
> gateway) and I could open up my personal subversion server, but that
> seems like a lot of work (not really that interested in moving to
> something other than svn).
> Any recommendations?
> Thanks,
> Andrew

Google Code.

--- Giampaolo

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