I have an problem that would naturally run as 2 threads: One monitors a bunch of asyncrhonous external state and decides if things are "good" or "bad". The second thread processes data, and the processing depends on the "good" or "bad" state at the time the data is processed.
Sort of like this:
Thread 1:
global isgood while 1: wait_for_state_change() if new_state_is_good(): isgood = 1 else: isgood = 0
Thread 2:
s = socket(....) s.connect(...) f = s.makefile() while 1: l = f.readline() if isgood: print >> goodfile, l else: print >> badfile, l
What guarantees (if any!) does Python make about the thread safety of this construct? Is it possible for thread 2 to get an undefined variable if it somehow catches the microsecond when isgood is being updated by thread 1?