John Machin writes: > The only font choice offered apart from "Raster Fonts" in the Command > Prompt window's Properties box is "Lucida Console", not "Lucida Sans > Unicode". It will let me print Cyrillic characters from a C program, > but not Chinese. I'm off looking for how to get a better font.
Thorsten Kampe <> wrote: >I have >[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont] >"00"="DejaVu Sans Mono" As near as I can tell the DejaVu Sans Mono font doesn't include Chinese characters. If you want to display Chinese characters in a console window on Windows you'll probably have change the (global) system locale to an appropriate Chinese locale and reboot. Note that a complete Unicode console font is essentially an impossibility, so don't bother looking for one. There are many characters in Unicode that can't be reasonably mappped to a single fixed-width "console" glyph. There are also characters in Unicode that should be represented as single-width gylphs in Western contexts, but as double-width glyphs in Far-Eastern contexts. Ross Ridge -- l/ // Ross Ridge -- The Great HTMU [oo][oo] -()-/()/ db // --