Addendum: The above is not a terrible insight, but i suppose it should be useful for some application. Today, there's huge number of languages, each screaming ME! To name a few that are talked about by geekers, there's Arc, Clojure, Scalar, F#, Erlang, Ruby, Groovy, Python 3, Perl6. (for a big list, see: Proliferation of Computing Languages) So, if i want to learn another lang down the road, and wish it to be a joy to use, usable docs, large number of usable libraries, or well supported, practical community that doesn't loop into monad or tail recursion every minute, then which one should i buy? With criterions of industrial background, not culty, lang beauty matter not that much, in mind, i think Erlang, F# would be great choices, while langs like Qi, Oz, Arc, Perl6, would be most questionable.
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