Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
Others suggested the parallel port. It is the natural choice for such
things, with two caveats:
- it is legacy, and thus often not available on modern hardware,
especially on mobile ones. So if you want it be prepared to additionally
buy a usb2parallel-adapter.
- it's electrical specs aren't as robust I fear. USB allos up to 500mA
to be drawn, and shouldn't break if you try more & fail (albeit, that
might be something that isn't true all the time). So you can draw quite
a bit of current from it (the stupid USB-cup-warmers are an example of
that). I have often had broken parallel-ports, and I think the reason is
that they *ARE NOT* specified to drive anything - they only provide
low-current control-lines. So whatever you design, you need a second
power-source then.
All in all, using a USB-controller is IMHO the best solution. The
AT90USBKey is a low-cost evaluation-board. ATMEL provides quite a bit of
example-code, and there is other FOSS available.
I have to admit though that the whole USB-topic isn't the easiest thing.
Yeah, I forgot to mention that the device is requires about 70-80mA and
the parallel port (according to the spec) only provides 1mA. Thats why I
was looking into the USB solution.
Thanks for the suggestion though. Also, yes, the device is rather mobile
and that is why it is powered by the computer/laptop but legacy isn't
really an issue for me I guess.