Hello, I am trying to write a list of words to into a text file as two colons: word (tab) len(word) such as
standart 8 I have no trouble writing the words but I couldn't write integers. I always get strange characters, such as: GUN 㐊娀䄀䴀䄀一ഀ5COCUK 㐊䬀䄀䐀䤀一ഀ5EV ... 㜊夀䄀䴀䄀ഀ4YATSI 㔊娀䤀䰀䜀䤀吀ഀ� (the integers also seem to be incorrect) I use the following form inside a loop to produce this current = unicode(word)+" "+str(len(word)) ofile.write(current) I know about struct and I tried to used it but somehow I always got a blank character instead of an int. import struct format = "i" data = struct.pack(format, 24) print data Any ideas? I use macosx and eclipse. The code also uses unicode encoding -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list