On Wed, 21 Jan 2009 04:35:22 -0000, Xah Lee <xah...@gmail.com> wrote:

Xah Lee wrote:
Similarly, if you can find any evidence, say by some code researcher's
reports, that'd be great. At this point, i recall that i have read
books on such report. You might try to do research on such books and
read up.

Given that you are the one who is attempting proof by repeated
assertion, I'd suggest that it is your job to find the evidence to
support your claim.  I am merely observing that I find your claim
highly unlikely.

Long experience particularly in C suggests that you are entirely wrong...

Try to study more. I recommend spend less time coding or tech geeking
(such as reading blogs, studying languages, or studying computer
science ). I recommend taking a course in community college on
philosophy, logic, literature, economics. After that, your thinking in
coding and all the social issues related to coding, and computing
industry, will sharpen by far.

I recommend spending less time being certain that you are correct
without seeking evidence (something the later philosophers seem
dreadfully bad at) and more in the application of logical thought.
While expanding one's horizons is a good thing (my personal list
places more emphasis on the theory and practice of music, theology,
literature and democracy, but anything is fair game), expanding
one's ego is not.

Rhodri James *-* Wildebeeste Herder to the Masses

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