On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 13:02:27 -0700, Ken Godee wrote:
> The original poster was just asking for an example of
> how to sub class his code generated form into his program
> for easy future updates, a "VERY STANDARD" way of doing it.

I recognize your sarcasm, and I recognize the poor attitude it shows, but
underneath it you do have a point. Continuing the (still IMHO very
good) OO vs. procedural metaphor, the problem is that posting a trivial
example of a dynamic interface, even were I to take the time to create one
for you for free, would meet with exactly the same response that posting
an OO snippet of some reasonable newsgroup size would receive from someone
skeptical of OO. "Well, heck, I can do that all in a procedural program,
and it would be a little shorter, too!" I am *particularly* not inclined
to post a trivial example because it would do nothing to blunt your
skepticism, or your sarcasm, and regardless, people who are genuinely
curious simply need to try it for themselves. 

The advantages only start kicking in with large programs.

But I do recall a book with similar themes, though I do not endorse it
whole-heartedly: "Software Development On A Leash", which also gives you
sample code for his particular framework.


My opinion of this book is like my opinion of XP: Every serious programmer
ought to be exposed to the ideas contained in it (even if not by exposure
to this book or the actual XP writings), and ought to give them serious
thought, but 100% acceptance is not necessary.

To address your sarcasm directly, there's 456 pages of examples in
professionally written prose and real code samples, which I don't entirely
agree with but they do serve to show the point, available for the price of
$39.95. I consider my "obligation" to you discharged on this point; if you
prefer sarcasm to investing anything into your personal development,
that's your problem, not mine. (If this were a private email, I would have
just deleted it, but the underlying criticisms, even if uncivilly phrased,
bore answering.) Even though you probably won't adopt this guys framework,
if you're paid anything at all for programming you'll recover the $40 in
no time with the ideas in that book.

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