
I'm trying to learn Python and wanted to play with Tkinter.  I couldn't
get it to work so I figured it would help if I installed the newest
verison of Python.  I downloaded the source, compiled it and installed
it.  No problem.  The next time I booted my machine I the following
errors when it tried to start CUPS:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/printconf-backend", line 6, in ?
    import backend
  File "/usr/share/printconf/util/backend.py", line 37, in ?
    import cups_import
  File "/usr/share/printconf/util/cups_import.py", line 7, in ?
    from printconf_conf import *
  File "/usr/share/printconf/util/printconf_conf.py", line 83, in ?
    from xml.utils import qp_xml
ImportError: No module named utils

It seems that the xml package have been changed.  My problem is that I
don't know enough Python to fix it properly.  The old verison of Python
was 2.2.2 and the
version I just installed is 2.4.1.  This is on a Dell Inspiron 8500
running Red Hat 9.

Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks in advance.


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