On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 7:16 PM, gopal mishra <gop...@infotechsw.com> wrote:
> I create two heavy objects sequentially without using multipleProcessing
> then creation of the objects takes 2.5 sec.if i create these two objects in
> separate process then total time is 6.4 sec.
> i am thinking it is happening due to the pickling and unpickling of the
> objects.if i am right then what could be the sollution.
> my system configuration:
> dual-core processor
> winXP
> python2.6.1

System specs in this case are irrelevant.

What you are experiencing is most likely an I/O
bound problem - using multiprocessing may likely
not help you solve the problem any faster because of
your I/O constraint.


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