Is it possible to import a module of Python code where I do not know the name of the module until run-time?
The Python statement: from someModule import * requires that "someModule" be the name of the module, but what I would like is to be able to define a value for "someModule" ... and provided that such a module exists (in an extended "sys.path" directory), then import from the specified module at run-time If I have a module called "" in my own "myModules" directory (just below my HOME directory in Linux) If I do this: import os, sys myModDir = os.environ["HOME"] + "/myModules" sys.path.append(myModDir) modName = "%s/%s" % (myModDir, "dummy") from modName import * I get the following error: ImportError: No module named modName So is there any way to get Python to import the named module without just doing "from dummy import *", because I will not know that the user wants to use the "dummy" module until run-time ... I'm trying to import control data for different run scenarios which will be defined in differently named Python modules which the user will specify at run-time with a command-line option And help with this would be most appreciated Best regards, Lawson Hanson ------ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia --