On Sat, 9 Apr 2005 15:57:15 GMT, Tim Tyler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote:

>Like C, Python seems to insist I declare functions before calling

One is left wondering what gave you that impression about Python.
Nothing could be further from the truth. The only construct in Python
that smells anything like a declaration is the wartish "global". The
Python philosophy is that everything is dynamic. You don't muck about
with declarations; you just get on with the job. See example below,
where we have a list of functions, which of course all follow the same
protocol, but what that protocol is is of no concern of the Python

def nothing_to_declare(data_fields, validation_funcs, other_info):
    for k, fld in enumerate(data_fields):
        validation_funcs[k](fld, k, other_info)

Aside: How many iterations would it take for the average C programmer
to get the declaration for "validation_funcs" correct?

Others have pointed out that "def" is executed. So is "class". An OO
example of dynamism would be a bit longer, but would involve creating
classes on the fly and stuffing into them whatever methods are
required for the task at hand.




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