I am having problems with SOAPpy after we upgraded to Python 2.6

Here is the exception I keep getting:
  File "C:\Dev\Phoenix\SAPI.py", line 2561, in getSystemInfo
    obj = self.soapProxy.getSystemInfo()
  File "c:\python26\Lib\site-packages\SOAPpy\Client.py", line 470, in
    return self.__r_call(*args, **kw)
  File "c:\python26\Lib\site-packages\SOAPpy\Client.py", line 492, in
    self.__hd, self.__ma)
  File "c:\python26\Lib\site-packages\SOAPpy\Client.py", line 363, in
    config = self.config)
TypeError: call() got multiple values for keyword argument 'encoding'

Could some please help me with this?

I don't have the faintest idea what the exception is on about and
SOAPpy\Client.py is very hard to follow.

Leith Bade

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