Hi everyone First of all, let me apologize for the delay of this issue of TPP. I understand that all of you had been anxiously waiting and I do sincerely apologize that Christmas and New Year celebrations are taking a toll on my time.
Finally, here it is... Volume 3 Issue 3... And we are THIRD year in business. As usual, the issue can be found at http://ojs.pythonpapers.org/index.php/tpp/issue/current The 1-PDF per issue will be released shortly. Let me also take this opportunity to show our deep felt appreciation to all our supporters/readers and contributors. Without you, we will not have our day to serve the community. At this moment, I will also like to announce our new publication schedule - there will not be any!!! Oppss, that did not come out right... What I am trying to say is that from Volume 4 Issue 1 onwards, we will adopt the "fast publishing" method that many journals are using. We will be releasing each article out to the public as they are being accepted but each issue will be delimited by our usual “issue release” date. The “issue release” date is then our cutoff deadline to prepare the 1-PDF per issue file. This means that we will be serving new articles to everyone much faster than now and there will not be anymore meaningful publication schedules. Hence, let's gear up to another year of exciting Python development and a recovering economy. Happy reading Maurice Ling Co-EIC, The Python Papers Anthology -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list