excord80 wrote:

Could someone please explain what Tix provides compared to what the
new stuff in Tk 8.5 provides? Is there much overlap?

Tix is a compiled Tk extension that adds a good number of widgets to the base set, such as a notebook tab, treeview, combobox, and others; Python includes a Tix wrapper as part of the standard library. However, it has not undergone much development over the past several years, and its widgets look very outdated (they have a mid-90s feel to them).

The themed Tk widgets (ttk) that come with Tk 8.5 add a lot of the same things that Tix does, but they do so in a more modern way, hooking into platform-specific themes and API's wherever possible (XP, Vista, Mac) and updating the generic X11 look as well. As such, they are more appropriate for modern development. Tix is more of a legacy toolkit.

A Python wrapper for ttk can be found here: http://code.google.com/p/python-ttk/ It will be added to the standard library at some point, probably for Python 3.1.

Here are some screenshots:



Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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