[Sigh. I must apologize for the length of this article. I can't, alas, see a satisfactory way of trimming it. The doubly-quoted stuff later on was by me.]
Steven D'Aprano <st...@remove-this-cybersource.com.au> wrote: > I'm pretty sure that no other pure-Python coder has manipulated > references either. They've manipulated objects. No: not directly. The Python program deals solely with references; anything involving actual objects is mediated by the runtime. > Whatever the VM does under the hood is another story. (And, to stave off a return to the discussion about synchronized clones and other implementation techniques, whether a reference is a memory pointer, a tagged immutable immediate value, or an element of an equivalence-class of clones is an irrelevant implementation detail; but the reference needs to exist to explain observed, specified behaviour. For the purposes of this discussion, I shall continue to use the commonly accepted term `reference' to denote an arbitrary and implementation-specific choice of the isomorphism class of such possible implementation techniques.) > That's why we should try to keep the different layers of explanation > separate, without conflating them. Python programmers don't actually > flip bits, and neither do they manipulate references. Python > programmers don't have access to bits, or references. What they have > access to is objects. No, that's my point: Python programmers /don't/ have direct access to objects. The objects themselves are kept at arm's length by the indirection layer of references. > (Of course, there are ways to get under the hood if you really want > to.) Yes, but -- as I've done throughout this discussion -- I shall continue to use only Python examples whose behaviour is fully specified and implementation independent in order to support my thesis. > > Python does pass-by-value, but the things it passes -- by value -- > > are references. > > If you're going to misuse pass-by-value to describe what Python does, > *everything* is pass-by-value "where the value is foo", for some foo. No. I've tried explaining this before, with apparently little success. This is probably my fault: I don't seem to be good at explaining concepts to people whose mindset is significantly different to mine. (My refusal to ignore complicated corner cases doesn't help.) The words `value' and `reference' have significantly different meanings depending on whether we're talking on the one hand about data models and on the other hand about argument-passing models. In particular, the latter focuses on details at a lower abstraction level. This is extremely unfortunate, and is causing a lot of confusion. I can only speculate that the origins of this mess are historical and have their origins in the fact that lower-level languages have tended to have more exotic argument-passing models. This is going to be (as far as I can make it) a language-independent survey. That in itself is going to make matters complicated, because I know a lot of programming languages, and they differ in sometimes subtle ways. Enough of the disclaimers, and on to some terminology. For the avoidance of confusion, I shall use the following terms in perhaps technical senses, defined below. Even so, I believe that I'm using these terms in the senses (or at least, in ways similar to the senses) commonly understood in the field of programming language design. * A /value/ is an item of data. The range and nature of values is language specific. Typically, values encompass at least some kinds of numbers, textual data, and compound data structures; they may also include behavioural items such as functions. * A /location/[1] is an area of memory suitable for storing the /immediate representation/ (which I shall abbreviate to /IR/) of a value. (A location may be capable of storing things other than IRs, e.g., representations of unevaluated expressions in lazily evaluated languages. Locations may vary in size, e.g., in order to be capable of storing different types of IRs.) * A /variable/ is a location to which has been /bound/ a name. Given an occurrence of a name in a program's source, there is a language specific rule for determining the variable to which it is bound. * /Evaluation/ is the process of determining a value from an expression. The /value of/ an expression is the result of evaluating the expression. This value is, in general, dependent on the contents of the locations to which names appearing in the expression are bound. * A /function/ (synonymously, /procedure/) is a subprogram which may be /called/ by another (not necessarily distinct) part of the program, supplying zero or more /arguments/, performing a computation depending on these arguments, and returning zero or more /results/. Whether functions are values is language specific. The nature of the arguments and results is language specific. [1] Previously, I used the term `slot' for what I'm now calling a `location'. The argument passing model `pass-by-value' has a number of distinctive properties. * The argument expression is fully evaluated before the function is called, yielding an argument value. * The corresponding parameter name is bound to a fresh location. * The argument value IR is stored in the parameter's location. By contrast, the `pass-by-reference' model has other distinguishing properties. * Whether arbitrary argument expressions are permitted is language dependent; often, only a subset of available expressions -- those that designate locations -- are permitted. If the argument expression does designate a location, then this location is the /argument location/. If arbitrary expressions are permitted, and the expression does not designate a location, then a fresh location is allocated to be the argument location, the expression evaluated, and the resulting IR stored in the argument location. * The corresponding parameter name is bound to the argument location. There are other models, including value/return and call-by-name. It should be clear that it is possible to write the traditional `swap' function trivially using pass-by-reference, but one requires explicit indirection in order to achieve the same effect using pass-by-value. > You can't have anything but pass-by-value with current computer > technology, because computers don't actually move arguments, they only > copy bytes. So pass-by-value becomes a meaningless term, because it > describes every computer language imaginable, including hypothetical > ones using calling conventions not yet invented, and therefore > explains nothing. I hope that I have convincingly demonstrated that it's possible to define `pass-by-value' in a coherent manner, consistent with conventional usage, and distinguishing it clearly from `pass-by- reference'. > > (The `pass-by-*' notions are confusingly named anyway. Pass-by-name > > doesn't actually involve names at all.) > > You might find them confusing, but I don't. What I find confusing is > that people insist on misusing terminology invented for describing one > type of behaviour in order to use it for a completely different type > of behaviour just because of certain similarities under the hood. I hope that I've also demonstrated that the similarities `under the hood' are not actually there. Indeed, I've defined `pass-by-reference' without describing references at all. This is actually as it should be. The simple assembler procedure xchg eax, ebx ret implements a `swap' function pretty well. We can map the abstract concepts listed above onto the low-level details easily: locations can be in memory on in registers; argument locations are in registers; argument value IRs are words; and the binding of names to locations is fixed. > > I agree with the comment about Pascal, but C is actually pretty similar > > to Python here. C only does pass-by-value. > > Except for arrays. Even for those. C doesn't pass arrays at all; instead it passes (programmer-visible) pointers. See other article. > > If you want a function to modify your variable, you have to pass a > > pointer value which points to it. > > Yes, because the variable is copied before the function sees it. So if > you pass a struct, and modify one of the struct's fields, the caller > doesn't see the change. > > Now try that with Python, and you'll see completely different behaviour. > (You'll have to use something *like* a struct, because Python doesn't > have them. Try an object with attributes.) That's because C's IRs are raw value representations; its `locations' correspond to what the C standard calls `objects' (3.15). Pass-by-value works by storing IRs in freshly allocated locations -- in C, these are objects with automatic storage duration (6.2.4, > In other words... C is call-by-value, and (according to you) Python is > call-by-value, but they behaviour differently. And this is entirely due to the difference in their immediate representations of values. > > Python has no pointer values, so you need a different hack. The > > hack usually involves lists. (Though it's easier in the main to return > > compound data objects like tuples. I don't suppose that a proposal for > > true multiple return values would go down well here. No, didn't think > > so...) > > Out of curiosity, what makes Python returning tuples less "true" than > "true multiple return values", and what can you do with TMRVs that you > can't do with tuples? `What can you do with ... that you can't do with ...' questions are meaningless when asked about Turing-complete languages, since they're obviously equipotent. In Python, if I want to convey multiple results to a function's caller, I usually use a tuple. This is a proper first-class value and needs to be properly allocated and populated, and a reference returned. Python's unpacking assignment syntax provides a relatively reasonable way of destructuring the tuple and recovering the individual results. So all of that's fine. * Construction, population and destructuring of the intermediate tuple has a performance impact. An intelligent compiler with knowledge of the function and the call site might be able to optimize the tuple away, but this is difficult due to Python's intrinsically dynamic nature: dynamic typing means a compiler must be better at drawing inferences from complicated code, and it not actually be possible to determine at compile time which actual function is being called anyway. (Not that I'd have Python any other way.) This would matter more if there were a significant statically-compiled implementation of Python that was intended for high-performance computing. * I quite frequently find myself only interested in one of several results from a function. For example, a function which parses some data from the head of a string might plausibly return both the parsed object and the remainder of the string. If I'm interested only in the object, I'll write something like obj = parse(string) and then obj will be a tuple. If the thing I'm expecting might be a tuple (or at least a sequence of some kind) it might be a while before an error occurs, if ever. Multiple return values would either (Common Lisp model) let me ignore return values I wasn't interested in, or (Scheme model) signal errors that I'd done something wrong. The Common Lisp model is riskier (I can ignore things which perhaps I shouldn't) but more flexible (in particular, I can enhance functions by adding return values without breaking existing callers, and I can write functions which return potentially interesting things which they computed anyway but weren't part of the main objective). It's not a big deal. Forget I mentioned it. In particular, there's no convenient syntax left to use for multiple return values anyway. When (not if) I want Lisp, I /do/ know where to find it. > x = 23 > > There's a name, and an object, and I've bound the name to the object so I > can refer to the object 23 by the name x. (Assume that x was previously unbound, and this is evaluated at top level) The above expression: binds x to a new location, and stores the immediate representation of the constant 23 in this location. (Languages -- other than C++ -- seem pretty uniform in their interpretation of assignment as overwriting a location with a new IR.) Because 23 is immutable, its IR doesn't actually matter that much. These things become apparent only with mutable data. > > You bind names slots in which you store references. Oops. Missing `to' between `names' and `slots'. Sorry. > I'm pretty sure I don't. I'd have noticed. You bind names to locations which store immediate representations. Python IRs are (in the sense defined above) exclusively references. > You may have missed my last question: > > >> > How do we deal with anonymous objects in your model? No. I decided that it was irrelevant given the previous answers I'd already given. That is, if an object's only attached paperweights are stored in other objects -- maybe in boxes -- then it has no obvious name; if there is no path from you to the object, then no action you take can be affected if the daemon clears it away -- so it might as well do that. (This is my fault, I know, but: `model' is the wrong word for the objects/boxes/string/paperweights description. `Metaphor' is probably better. Sorry for my lack of precision on this subject.) > > What I am pretty sure of is that references are going to have to > > enter the picture at some point, because other models get too > > complicated. > Well, I dare say that at *some* point all models are insufficient. No. The Python Language Reference presents a model of Python. CPython, and other implementations are expected to implement this model: failure to do so is (presumably) a bug in the implementation, or a defect in the document. The PLM (assumed defect-free) is therefore a sufficient model of Python, capable of describing all aspects of the language which are not implementation specific. > The map is not the territory, and there's always something that gets > left out. The trick is to explain Python, rather than implementations of Python. But the behaviour of l = [1, 2, 3] l[1] = l can be understood without recourse to implementation specifics. I argue -- and this has really been my point all along -- that this understanding is best achieved by a diagram of the form ,----------, v | +---+ +---+ | l: | *----> | *-----> 1 | +---+ +---+ | | *----------' +---+ | *-----> 3 +---+ than by one of the form +-----+ l: | 1 | +-----+ | <------------- in here is an identical copy of l +-----+ | 3 | +-----+ This immediately gets me thinking about `Gödel Escher Bach', strange loops, and all manner of weirdness. Such things still give me the willies occasionally. (I'm willing to accept that I suck at drawing diagrams, and that I might anyway have accidentally misrepresented your position. If you think you can draw a more convincing diagram of this data structure, according to your model, please do.) > But I think your model with strings is more complicated: robots, > sticky Blu-Tack, string that you can't touch or see, and so forth. The metaphor is complicated, yes, but the concepts are somewhat complicated too. Fortunately there are direct mappings from the metaphor to identifiable > Compared to that, TARDIS technology enabling objects to be in two > places at once is remarkably straightforward. Despite it being > physically unrealistic, it's logically simple. You certainly get to talk about Tardises, which is cool. ;-) There is some interesting and relevant material in the classic Who stories `Logopolis' and `Castrovalva'. And, if the resulting recursion is explained thoroughly, it'll lead you on some fascinating diversions around some valuable areas of theory... -- [mdw] -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list