If you use "except:" without any specific error class, it will be a catchall for any error class (including Warning and its derivatives). Otherwise you can use inheritance to refer to a group of exceptions (e.g. "except Exception:" would catch ValueError, since the ValueError class inherits from the generic Exception class).


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Joshua Ginsberg -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] Brainstorm Internet Network Operations 970-247-1442 x131 On Apr 8, 2005, at 3:29 PM, SuperJared wrote:

I'm new to Python, well versed in PHP and a bit of Perl.

I've written a simple backup utility that FTPs from one server to
another. I'd like to implement exception handling on the FTP should
someting go wrong.

This is basically what I have so far:

try: ftp = FTP(ftp_host, ftp_user, ftp_pass) ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + filename, pointer) ftp.close() except: # do something with an error message here...?

I'd like to use 'all_errors' but I don't know how! Will I have to create a handler for each other exception?



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