On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 02:17:32PM -0400, jeremit0 wrote:
> I have read a text file using the command
> lines = myfile.readlines()
> and now I want to seach those lines for a particular string.  I was 
> hoping there was a way to "find" that string in a similar way as 
> searching simply a simple string.  I want to do something like
> lines.find.('my particular string')
> Is there a module that already exists that allows me to do this or will 
> I have to created my own method?

def search(line):
  return 'my string' in line
lines = filter(search, myfile.readlines())

if you are using python2.4, use a generator expression so it won't make
a list the size of the whole (possibly large?) file.

for (matching_line) in (line for (line) in myfile if ('my string' in line)):
  # do something


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