Francesco Bochicchio wrote:
imageguy ha scritto:
I am looking for the most efficient method of replacing a repeating
sequence in a byte string returned from a imaging .dll, connected via
I receive the byte string with the following sequence 'bgrbgrbgrbgr'
and I would like to convert this to 'rbgrbgrbgrbg'
FWIW, the string is created using ctypes.create_string_buffer function
The following code works but feels a bit clunk and is rather slow too.
blist = list(buffer)
for start in xrange(0,len(blist), 3):
blue = blist[start]
red = blist[start+2]
blist[start] = red
blist[start+2] = blue
except IndexError:
new_buffer = ''.join(blist)
new_buffer is then passed to a wx program to create and image.
Any thoughts comments would be appreciated.
PS: I started this post earlier, but I think I hit the send button
too soon. My apologies to the group for sloppy typing.
You could try the same algorithm on an array.array object : it might be
>>> s = "012345678"
>>> from array import array
>>> a = array("b", s)
>>> a
array('b', [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56])
>>> a[0::3], a[2::3] = a[2::3], a[0::3]
>>> a
array('b', [50, 49, 48, 53, 52, 51, 56, 55, 54])
>>> a.tostring()