This may be a very rudimentary question, but here goes:

If I have a simple dictionary, where the value is a class or function,
is there an interface through which it can discover what its key is?
Similar to index() for list.

For a list, assuming I new what the parent list was I could do something
like this.

>>> class child:
...     def get_parent_index(self, parent):
...             return parent.index(self)
>>> a = child()
>>> l = [a]
>>> b = l[0]
>>> b.get_parent_index(a)
>>> b.get_parent_index(l)

Is there a way to do something like that with dicts?

On a similar note, if one object is part of another, is there a way for
the 'child' obj to discover what/who the 'parent' object is? That way
parent does not have to be explicityly passed to get_parent_index?

The idea is like this:

>>> class child:
...     def get_parent_index(self):
                parent = self.magic_parent_discovery()
...             return parent.index(self)

Thanks much

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