Steven D'Aprano a écrit :
Avoiding early exits is an over-reaction to the Bad Old Days of spaghetti code.

Mostly, yes. It can also be a way to help avoiding "resource leaks" (memory or whatever) - just like try/finally blocks or the 'with' statement in Python.

But used wisely, early exists can simplify, not complicate, code.

Consider the following:

def find_ham(alist):
    for item in alist:
        if isinstance(item, Ham):
            return item
    raise ValueError('no ham found')

def find_spam(alist):
    found_item = None
    for item in alist:
        if found_item is not None:
            if isinstance(item, Spam):
                found_item = item
    if found_item is None:
        raise ValueError('no spam found')
        return found_item

The second version has double the number of lines of code of the first.

And doesn't do the same thing (hint: you forgot a break statement). Also and FWIW, the "single exit" golden rule (hem) comes from languages without exception handling. So a fair comparison would be:

def find_egg(alist):
   for item in alist:
       if isinstance(item, Egg):
           return item
   return None


def find_sausage(alist):
   found = None
   for item in alist:
       if isinstance(item, Sausage):
           found = item
   return found

Granted, this still doesn't make the second version better than the first !-)


I don't think the claim that the version with an early exit is more complicated than the version without can justified.

Certainly not in this simple (simplistic ?) example. Now in C or Pascal, functions tend to be much longer and complicated, thanks to all the gory details one has to take care of.

Not that I'm advocating "no early return" as a "golden rule" - specially in Python where functions tend to be short and readable -, but there really are cases (depending on the language *and* concrete use case) where avoiding early returns makes for more readable and robust code.

My 2 cents...

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