On Dec 24, 5:47 pm, "Joel Koltner" <zapwiredashgro...@yahoo.com> wrote: > Is there an easy-to-use, "function"-based cross-platform GUI toolkit for > Python out there that's a little more sophisticated than EasyGui? EasyGui > looks good, but it's a little more restrictive than what I'd like to have, yet > I'm (stubbornly :-) ) resistant to stepping up to a "full service" GUI toolkit > such as pyGTK or wxPython where it's all about event loops and callbacks and > you need to start planning how the GUI affects the overall program flow rather > than just using a "forms" (or "Wizard")-type approach where you put up a few > dialogs, users fill in some variables, and your program just sits around > waiting until "OK" or "Cancel" is clicked. > > One approach that I like comes from SAX BASIC/WinWrap, which is more or less a > clone of Microsoft's Visual BASIC for Applications, but they (apparently) > wanted everything to still be human-readable, so they have a simple GUI > ("form") builder that generates code that looks like this: > > --- > > Begin Dialog UserDialog 850,497,"Export Control" ' %GRID:10,7,1,1 > > GroupBox 20,7,360,217,"Drill File Generation",.GroupBox1 > CheckBox 40,35,130,14,"Output drill file(s)",.genDrill > Text 40,63,270,28,"Identify via layers as any that contain this text in > their names:",.Text > TextBox 40,98,220,21,.viaLayerName > Text 40,140,100,14,"Output method:",.Text8 > DropListBox 160,140,180,21,DrillStyle(),.drillStyle > Text 40,175,130,28,"Select drill table units:",.Text2 > ListBox 200,175,120,28,unitNames(),.unitName > > OKButton 310,469,90,21 > CancelButton 410,469,90,21 > > End Dialog > > ' GUI builder generates or modifies everything above, but can also be edited > by hand > ' You write the following code... > > Dim dlg As UserDialog > > dlg.genDrill = 1 > ReDim DrillStyle(1) > DrillStyle(0) = "All Via Layers In One File" > DrillStyle(1) = "One File Per Via Layer" > dlg.drillStyle = 1 > > func=Dialog(dlg) > > --- > > This is pretty darned easy for me understand and modify either by hand or with > the GUI builder. Still, it's quite powerful, since it supports all the common > GUI elements (text, group boxes, checkboxes, drop-down lists, text boxes, > buttons, etc.). This is about the level of sophistication I'm looking for. > > Anything like this for Python? > > Thanks, > ---Joel
Some people like Boa Constructor, XRC or wxGlade: http://boa-constructor.sourceforge.net/ http://wxglade.sourceforge.net/ http://wiki.wxpython.org/XRCTutorial Technically, you can switch to IronPython and then use Visual Studio to design your GUIs and IronPython to control it. I think there's something similar to Jython and Cocoa as well. Probably not what you wanted though. Mike -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list