En Wed, 24 Dec 2008 16:18:55 -0200, Kottiyath <n.kottiy...@gmail.com> escribió:

The other thing to remember is that because the 'registry' contains
references to the instances, they won't be garbage collected.

Is there any other way out in this case?
I have factory methods - and I have to loop over them - sort of Chain
of Responsibility pattern.
Having a registry inside the class instance and looping through them
was the only clean thing I could think of.
I understand that garbage collection would be an issue - but is there
any way out?

You may keep all that structures - just use weak references (see the weakref module). There isn't a WeakList nor WeakSet out-of-the-box but you may use a WeakKeyDictionary (set the value to anything, None by example).

Gabriel Genellina


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