Toff wrote:
On 22 déc, 17:02, Tim Golden <> wrote:
Toff wrote:
I 'm trying to write a script to make my computer join a samba.
domeone have any idea ??
Ummm. It's not clear if you're saying that your code doesn't
work, or asking for general advice, or what? I'm not in a
position to have my machine join a domain or workgroup, but
you seem to have got most things in place already. The only
thing I would expect to have to change is this last line:
import wmi
c = wmi.WMI()
d = c.Win32_ComputerSystem
d.JoinDomainOrWorkGroup(None, 3, "mydom", "mydompw", r"admin\\mydom")
because the d is only a WMI *class*, not a WMI *instance*,
so doesn't refer as it should to your computer system but
to the class of computer systems. Try something like this (untested):
import wmi
c = wmi.WMI ()
for d in c.Win32_ComputerSystem ():
d.JoinDomainOrWorkGroup(None, 3, "mydom", "mydompw", r"admin\\mydom")
thanks but it doesn't work
I've got this errors
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 51, in <module>
File "", line 13, in main
File "", line 44, in joindom
d.JoinDomainOrWorkGroup(None, 3, "domcd", "adminLocal", r"admin
File "c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\", line 493, in __getattr__
handle_com_error (error_info)
File "c:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\", line 189, in
raise x_wmi, "\n".join (exception_string)
Do you not get *anything* after than wmi.x_wmi? Not even
a messy exception string?