dcrespo wrote:
Hi there... I want to distribute my python apps and the MySQL Database
in the easiest way possible. I mean a user just run the installation
file and all is automaticly installed. Any suggestions?

My knowledge: I know, as many of you, that there's py2exe for compiling
python apps for running under Windows. But what about the database
structure and data? I think it could be reached through a .qry run in
the MySQL database from an installation instruction. But (one more
time) what about the automated installation of the MySQL database
without user intervention?

Daniel Crespo

I don't think one can distribute mysql within a software package w/o buying a commercial license to do so. Check out their licensing on their website here:

"When your application is not licensed under either the GPL-compatible Free Software License as defined by the Free Software Foundation or approved by OSI, and you intend to or you may distribute MySQL software, you must first obtain a commercial license to the MySQL product."


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