Emanuele D'Arrigo <man...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've written the code below to test the differences in performance
> between compiled and non-compiled regular expression matching but I
> don't quite understand the results. It appears that the compiled the
> pattern only takes 2% less time to process the match. Is there some
> caching going on in the uncompiled section that prevents me from
> noticing its otherwise lower speed?

Running your sample i got also a 2% the first time, but next time i got
a different speed : 4 time faster.

Running 1st time
            Pattern Matching Time: 0.122432
 (Compiled) Pattern Matching Time: 0.12012
 Ratio Compiled/NotCompiled: 0.981116048092

2nd time and more
            Pattern Matching Time: 0.00257
 (Compiled) Pattern Matching Time: 0.000619
 Ratio Compiled/NotCompiled: 0.240856031128

Config python 2.5.1 / MacOS X 10.5
Pierre-Alain Dorange        <http://microwar.sourceforge.net/>

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