I'd like to overwrite just one line of a binary file, based on a
position set by seek().  Is there no way to do this? As far as I can
tell I need to read the whole file, change the line, and write it all
back out.  Not exactly easy on the memory, but I see no other solution.

You need to find what "just one line" means in a binary format. If the chunk you're replacing and the chunk you want to replace it with are of different sizes, then you need to use a temporary file (or read the remainder of the file in memory).

Otherwise, open the file in read-write binary mode ("r+b") and seek and write appropriately. In the general case, you need to write to a temporary file to get the job done.

Memory usage is not a factor, here; read and write the temporary files in chunks. That way you can manage the memory usage to whatever upper bound you wish.

Erik Max Francis && [EMAIL PROTECTED] && http://www.alcyone.com/max/
San Jose, CA, USA && 37 20 N 121 53 W && AIM erikmaxfrancis
  Be able to be alone. Lose not the advantage of solitude.
  -- Sir Thomas Browne

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