Good day. I've been trying to port HGE ( to Python for more than 4 months now... HGE is a hardware accelerated 2D game engine. It comes with the source and examples. In the folder "include", you can find "hge.h", the file that i am talking about in all the post.
# I tried to load the DLL functions with Python Ctypes like this : [code] >>> from ctypes import * >>> HGE = cdll.LoadLibrary("C:/hge181/hge") >>> HGE.hgeCreate(0x180) [/code] But i get this error : "Procedure called with not enough arguments (4 bytes missing) or wrong calling convention". The call should be done with hgeCreate(HGE_VERSION) and the constant is defined as "#define HGE_VERSION 0x180"... Number 0x180 means 384 in Python. I don't mean what it means in C. So i am stuck. I also tried to modify the "hge.h" file on line 408, and export the rest of the classes... [code] __declspec (dllexport) hgeVertex; __declspec (dllexport) hgeTriple; __declspec (dllexport) hgeQuad; __declspec (dllexport) hgeInputEvent; [/code] But after compilation, i am not able to access them from Python "ctypes". They seem to remain invisible. Perhaps i am not doing it right?... # I tried Cython. I tried to load "hge.h" in Cython and use the structures. The first error i get is at line 173: "typedef bool (*hgeCallback) ();". I am not that good in C/C++ to understand what it means. So i commented it... The second big error is at line 408: "extern "C" { EXPORT HGE * CALL hgeCreate(int ver); }". This should be the DLL export. I comented that too... I used this code in Cython, loading from "hge.h": [code] # file HGE.pyx cdef extern from "windows.h": pass cdef extern from "hge.h": pass [/code] And i get this errors: [code] ..\hge.h(215) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'hgeVertex' ..\hge.h(218) : error C2059: syntax error : '}' ..\hge.h(226) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'hgeVertex' ..\hge.h(229) : error C2059: syntax error : '}' ..\hge.h(274) : error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'HGE' ..\hge.h(274) : error C2059: syntax error : ';' ..\hge.h(275) : error C2449: found '{' at file scope (missing function header?) ..\hge.h(407) : error C2059: syntax error : '}' [/code] Then i tried to define hgeVertex in Cython like: [code] struct hgeVertex: float x, y # screen position float z # Z-buffer depth 0..1 DWORD col # color float tx, ty # texture coordinates [/code] But i get the exact same errors. If i comment all the structures hgeVertex and Triple and Quad and the HGE class, the Cython file compiles !... But it's not useful at all. My Cython is okay, i compiled a few programs before, so that's not a problem... # Then i tried Swig (and it worked with the examples )... But the problems with "hge,h" seem to be somewhat similar. I call swig like this : "swig -c++ -python hge.i" And the file "hge.i" contains: [code] /* File : hge.i */ %module hge %{ #include "hge.h" %} /* Let's just grab the original header file here */ %include "hge.h" [/code] And the error i get after commenting the HGE callback and DLL export is this : "hge.h(276): Error: Syntax error in input(3)." Line 276 is exactly the first call of HGE class : "virtual void CALL Release() = 0;". # I tried Boost.Python (and it works with embedding and extending examples), but i could't compile "hge.h" even after commenting the structures and classes. I have to write some wrapper code in "hge.h" and i am probably doing it completely wrong. [code] BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(hge) { using namespace boost::python; class_<hgeVertex> base("hgeVertex"); } [/code] So i am stuck again... I am not that good in neither C or Python. Can anyone suggest any ideas? Please? I really really really want to port HGE in Python. It's the greatest game engine i have ever seen. The particle engine is EXCELLENT and i need it. Thank you in advance. --