> For the mistake you made see below, hope that helps. It doesn't. > > pBuf_buf = cast(pBuf, Buffer) > Here's the problem. pBuf is a pointer to a Buffer structure, not the > buffer structure itself. > Something like > pBuf_buf = Buffer.from_address(pBuf) > may work. If I currently understand it right, cast() should do exactly this, i.e. should write the content pointed to by pBuf to a Python variable pBuf_buf which is an object of the Buffer class, where I can access the single components like any other Python variables - am I right or wrong?
How can I access content at any real memory address in Python like you suggest with the fictive(?) .from_address(memPointer) method? Wouldn't it be anyway protected? Is not cast() a kind of solution to this problem? Because the exepected buffer contains zero bytes I can't use cast(pBuf, c_char_p) to get the entire content as it is done in the recipe provided by Srijit Kumar Bhadra. At least the .Data0 value is set by cast() in my trials, but it seems, that this has nothing to do with the shared memory area content. > For the general way to solve this problem you should know that you can > access a shared memory area with a certain name also with Python's mmap > module, although that is probably not documented very good. There was a > recipe posted a few days ago which showed different ways to acces shared > memory, with or without ctypes. > > The code I use is provided also here: > > http://www.codecomments.com/Python/message430495.html > > http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2005-March/271853.html > > (the mmap part of it doesn't work at all) So I am already using the recipe, right? But it doesn't work as expected. mmap doesn't work at all failing in shmem = mmap.mmap(0, 0, "$M$B$M$5$S$D$", mmap.ACCESS_READ) with WindowsError: [Errno 87] wrong parameter I am on Windows 2000 SP 4, Pyhon version 2.3.5 using ctypes version 0.9.5 . Any further hints? Claudio -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list