Don't mind if I give my shot ?

def work(i):
    Dummy process function, which takes a random time in the interval
    0.0-0.5 secs to execute
    print "Work step %d" % i
    time.sleep(0.5 * random.random())

def workAll(work, verbose=True, max_iter=20, progress_interval=1.0):
    pass the real job as a callable
    progress = time.time()
    for i in range(max_iter): # do the requested loop
        if verbose:
            print "Work through all %d steps reporting progress every
%3.1f secs..." %(max_iter, progress_interval)
        interval = time.time()-progress
        if interval>progress_interval:
            print "Processed %d of %d at pace %s" % (i, max_iter,
            progress +=interval

if __name__=="__main__":
    workAll(work, False)

It's works fine, and the "pace" is 'almost' the required one. You earn
a no-thread-mess, and cleaner alg.

But the loop is controlled by the caller (the WorkAll function) this
is also called ass-backward algorithm, and you cannot expect
algorithms to be assbackward (even if it's the best way to implement

You can use the yield statement, to turn  easilly your alg into a
nice, stopable assbackward algo:

def work():
    Dummy process function, which takes a random time in the interval
    0.0-0.5 secs to execute
    for i in range(50):
        print "Work step %d" % i
        time.sleep(0.5 * random.random())
        yield i # kind-of "publish it and let the caller do whatever
it want s (good practice anyway)

def workAll(work, verbose=True, max_iter=20, progress_interval=1.0):
    pass the real job as a generator
    progress = time.time()
    i = 0
    for w in work: # do the requested loop
        if verbose:
            print "Work through all %d steps reporting progress every
%3.1f secs..." %(max_iter, progress_interval)
        interval = time.time()-progress
        if interval>progress_interval:
            print "Processed %d at pace %s" % (w, interval)
            progress +=interval
        if i>=max_iter:

if __name__=="__main__":
    workAll(work(), False)     # note the calling difference

hope it helps.


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