On 7 Dec, 19:53, "Martin v. Löwis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've had to fork my appscript project's codebase in order to add
> > support for Python 3.x. I would like to distribute both 2.x and 3.x
> > versions under the same package name for obvious reasons. This isn't a
> > problem with eggs as the Python version number is included in each
> > egg's name, but what about source distributions where both filenames
> > are exactly the same (appscript-0.19.0.tar.gz)?
> I see. My initial reaction was that something should be done about this;
> please do bring this up on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

OK, will do.

> On second thought: can't you just include the source of both versions
> in a single source distribution file?

The .tar.gz distributions are built by distutils/setuptools. If I
manually combine them into a single archive, I'm guessing that
'easy_install appscript' won't know how to read that custom archive
when building and installing from source. (Which also raises a further
question: if I do eventually manage to upload both 2.x and 3.x
versions under the same PyPI entry, will easy_install know which one
to download?)


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