I got an interrupted system call exception in select and I don't know
what could have caused it. Here's the error:

    select.select(inputs, [], [], 9)
error: (4, 'Interrupted system call')
Caught an exception, shutting down...

It's py2.3, on mach architecture.

I'm trying to figure out what caused it, and the only idea I have so
far is that it could be that I have python's logging system log
rotation thing running and I think I've seen a reference somewhere
that it uses SIGALRM when log file reaches set size to stop and switch
the files. The program was running for about a week without any
problem and then I got this exception and after I restarted it it's
been running for a few days and I only got the exception once in all
that time.

Am I going in a completely wrong direction here? I'm thinking of just
putting select in try: except: , is that a good idea here?

I don't understand signals all that well. Thanks.

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