Slaunger a écrit :
Thank you all for sharing your views, links and suggestions on my
question. I see where this is getting, and I have extracted the
following points:
1. Many classic design patterns, especially the creational ones
(Factory, etc.) aren't really that useful in Python as the built-in
features in the language and the new style objects has ways of doing
these things far more natural than statically types languages.
Well... I'd formulate it another way: many classic design patterns are
either builtins or simply obvious in Python, so they are barely
identifiable as such - at least if you fail to decouple the *design*
pattern from it's canonical implementation(s). Remember that design !=
implementation !-)
2. Don't be religious about the design pattern and applying them too
frantically. They may look cool, but there is a great danger for over-
engineering and subsequent lower code readability, debuggability, and
Indeed. And when you use one, try to implement it the pythonic way...