Good day. I have installed Python 3 and i have a problem with the builtin read() function.
[code] huge = open ( 'C:/HUGE_FILE.pcl', 'rb', 0 ) import io vContent = io.StringIO() vContent = # This line takes hours to process !!! vSplitContent = vContent.split ( 'BIN;SP1;PW0.3,1;PA100,700;PD625,700;PU;' ) # This one i have neve tried... [/code] The same thing, in Python 2.5 : [code] huge = open ( 'C:/HUGE_FILE.pcl', 'rb', 0 ) import StringIO vContent = StringIO.StringIO() vContent = # This line takes 2 seconds !!! vSplitContent = vContent.split ( 'BIN;SP1;PW0.3,1;PA100,700;PD625,700;PU;' ) # This takes a few seconds... [/code] My "HUGE_FILE" has about 900 MB ... I know this is not the best method to open the file and split the content by that code... Can anyone please suggest a good method to split the file with that code very fast, in Python 3 ? The memory is not important for me, i have 4GB of RAM and i rarely use more than 300 MB of it. Thank you very very much. --