Glenn Linderman wrote:

The equivalent of those commands is available via Windows Explorer, Tools / Folder Options, File Types, scroll-scroll-scroll your way to .py, Click Advanced, fiddle, copy paste apply, and other twaddle.
Yes, but what's needed is a further level of indirection. Currently, this allows .py to be associated with a particular editor. It would be great if there were some way of associating "Python.File", which is created in the install process, with a particular editor. Then, one is left with associating "Python.File" with a given version of Python. Meanwhile, your suggestion provides a workaround.

Colin W.
A perfect example of why not everything should be done via GUI interfaces, or at least why this is an extremely poor GUI interface.

GUI designers should count the command line keystrokes, and make sure their interface is shorter, otherwise they are a failure.

Michel Claveau suggests VirtualBox, this
seems a big hammer to kill
this particular fly.

It's interesting that each install sets
up a Python.File variable in the registry.

It's a pity that this can't be used to achieve this more simply.

Martin seems willing to entertain the idea of future Windows installers doing something more brilliant in this area, for those that wish to switch between multiple installed versions, as he asked for a tracking issue to be created, which I did.

Whether it will be exactly my technique, or something further improved, time will tell. But that will only apply to versions released after 3.0 and 2.6.1 (unless he has already coded it into the release, but I doubt he had time, or wishes to destabilize or delay these releases).

Anyway, if you remember the arcane techniques for copy/paste in CMD prompt windows (Alt-space or click the "system" icon in the upper left of the CMD prompt window), and go from there, then setting up the multiple ftypes becomes a bit easier, perhaps.

Best wishes,

Colin W.


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