On Dec 1, 7:26 am, "Filip Gruszczyński" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have following question: if I use
> from module import *
> instead
> from module import Class
> am I affecting performance of my program? I believe, that all those
> names must be stored somewhere, when they are imported and then
> browsed when one of them is called. So am I putting a lot of "garbage"
> to this storage and make those searches longer?
> --
> Filip Gruszczyński

Why use it if you don't need it? Your post implies a choice and the
'*' import can really make things muddy if it isn't actually necessary
(rare). Why not just import the module and use what you need? It is
way easier to read/debug and maintains the name-space.

- Rafe

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