Aaron Watters wrote:
On Nov 30, 11:55 am, "Filip Gruszczyński" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That's exactly what I have read before posting here ;-)
Filip Gruszczyński
I too would like to see a meatier discussion of best practices
for python packagizing. I particularly object to jcalderone's
suggestion that all tests should be within the package. Often my
test cases are 100 times the size of the code, if you include
sample data -- it doesn't make sense to install it, I think.
I agree on that. But I like to add a couple of my thoughts :-)
In my opinion the structuring of your project depends very much on what
the project is itself. If it is a more a library sort of thing then I
tend to keep it as small and simple as possible, with the main objective
to be simple to understand when interfacing with it. I usually structure
the package like how I think somebody else would expect it to be.
When I am doing an application type of code for myself, I usually end up
organizing my program the way it is the easiest to maintain, if
necessary in this case I would sacrifice small and simple over
robustness and maintainability.
When I am starting a project which is either a payed contract job or I
anticipate other participants, I orientate my project more around
documentation and management, I have written an article in the past
about that (generally written it was still more aimed to the client I
was working at that moment). If anybody is interested you can get it