My code:

from time import time
def leibniz(terms):

    acc = 0.0
    num = 4.0 # numerator value remains constant in the series
    den = 1
    count = 0
    start_time = 0.0
    for aterm in range(terms):
        nextterm = num/den  * (-1)**aterm # (-1) allows fractions to
                                        #between a + and a - value
        acc = acc + nextterm

        den = den + 2   #denominator increments by 2
        count = count + 1

        print("Time elapsed: %f"%( time()- start_time))
    return acc

The result I get is --  Time elapsed: 1227812482.390000 but I want to
know the real time this code needed to  run. Using a term value of
1000 I can see from the begining to end the actual time lapse is a
little over 6 seconds. How do I get that value (6 + secs approx) as my
time lapse.


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