Jason Scheirer wrote:
On Nov 26, 11:40 am, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Stef Mientki wrote:
I've the idea that I always have a lot of useless code in my programs,
like the next example.
def _On_Menu_File_Open ( self, event = None ):
   if event :
    event.Skip ()
instead of def _O So I would like to extend the None-type (if that's possible),
with a dummy Skip() method.
def Skipper(object):
     def Skip(): pass
skipper = Skipper()

def _On_Menu_File_Open ( self, event = skipper ):
    event.Skip ()


I think this methods works best, but quite frankly, if a method is
only two lines long, then you've likely got a code smell and no amount
of over-design is going to cover for it.
Sorry I should have said that I only showed the relevant (to this issue) part,
and this kind of if statements occurs quit a lot.

Probably I should not say this here on this list,
but to give you the whole truth,
I often forget the if-statement ( because it has really nothing to do with the functionality I intend to write),
and then my program crashes (unexpected) :-(



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