My version: from itertools import combinations as xcombinations from itertools import izip, islice
def xpairwise(iterable): # docs and doctests removed return izip(iterable, islice(iterable, 1, None)) def segmentations(seq, k): for comb in xcombinations(range(1, len(seq)), k-1): yield [seq[start:stop] for start,stop in xpairwise((None,) + comb + (None,))] for seg in segmentations(range(1, 6), 3): print seg print for seg in segmentations(range(1, 7), 2): print seg print for seg in segmentations(range(1, 7), 3): print seg print for seg in segmentations(range(1, 7), 4): print seg print Other people have already explained how this works. Bye, bearophile --