Jorgen Grahn wrote:

> Seems to me you simply want to know beforehand that the reading will
> work.  But you can never check that!  You can stat(2) the file, or
> open-and-close it -- and then a microsecond later, someone deletes the
> file, or replaces it with another one, or write-protects it, or mounts
> a file system on top of its directory, or drops a nuke over the city,
> or ...
Depends on what exactly you're trying to guard against. Your comments would 
apply, for example, to a set-uid program being run by a potentially hostile 
local user (except that Linux doesn't allow set-uid scripts).

But if the script is being run, for example, via a Web interface, where 
processes on the local system can be trusted but the remote user cannot, then 
it is perfectly legitimate to use calls like stat(2) to enforce your own 
permission checks before allowing an operation.

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